What does Eden represent?

We believe that Edens are rising everywhere! This is much more a prophetic utterance and partnership of faith with Jesus for what He longs to see then just a name of a ministry. It was in the garden of Eden that mankind received the first commission from God to go out into all the world and bring the rest of God’s creation into subjection to the same order and divine beauty and relationship that Adam and Eve enjoyed in the Garden.

What does Eden represent?

  • A place of relationship and deep intimacy where we walk with God daily and receive our identity and inheritance directly from Him.

  • A place of wholeness where brokenness is mended and we are no more subject to the bondage of the past.

  • A place of provision where we experience the fullness of abundance that God has for us.

Prepare your way!

Prepare the way and remove the rocks and stones from the path so that my people can return from captivity and come back to my Promised Land.

Isaiah 57:14